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Are there different forms of CF?
Dear questioner,

There are indeed different ‘forms’ of CF and this has become more clear since the discovery of the CFTR gene. Apart from the classical picture of CF (early onset of symptoms, severe lung disease, malabsorption, infertility, clearly abnormal sweat test and) there are patients who carry 2 mutations in the CFTR gene but have a much milder disease course or a disease limited to one organ. (for instance only infertility in males). But even between patients with classic CF there is great variability in disease severity due to the influence of the environment (early diagnosis, strict follow up and treatment, exposure to tobacco) and what is called gene modifiers (other genetic information in that influences the severity of the disease). You can read much more about these forms of CF in the questions under ‘CF and diagnosis’.
Kind regards
K. De Boeck