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CF testing

I am a 29 year old female who has been struggling with severe weight loss, elevated liver enzymes, bowel issues, etc. Never had any issues with lungs, but due to unexplained GI symptoms and improvement with how I am feeling on pancreatic enzymes, mild CF has been brought up to be tested for. I had the sweat test done and values were only 21, but they only collected 15 uL of sweat and were concerned test needed repeated. My question is, does the test need repeated so that a more sufficient amount of sweat can be collected?

Thank you.
Dear Questioner
If you are concerned, you should return to your CF clinician for further consideration. It may be that the volume of sweat was too low and this can make the measurement of chloride unreliable. Your CF clinician may decide to perform a repeat sweat test. They may also consider performing a “CF Genetics” test.

Best wishes
Stuart Elborn