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Journey in Peru

I am a cystic fibrosis patient. I’m 27 years old. I would like to travel in Peru. As I read some people are sick because of altitude, I would like to know if this journey is recommended for cystic fibrosis patient. I have a good respiratory function (between 80-100%) and never had oxygen supplement.
Thank you for your advices.
Dear questioner

To give you the maximal chances to do a journey in good conditions, it is strongly recommended to discuss with your doctor and plan your trip. Your doctor will advise you about the specific risk linked to your health. It seems more risky to travel in a country without specialized CF care. This risk is to balance with the country attractiveness.

About altitude, during the air travel, the mean cabin aircraft altitude and pressure is about 2400 meters. The partial pressure of oxygen is inversely proportional to the altitude. Risk of desaturation and hypoxaemia is increased. Your respiratory function which is 80-100%, should allowed this without any problem.
About Peru, the country is in altitude. Exercise (walk, trek) could get you out of breath. An exercise test could be performed to see if there is a decrease of oxygen saturation under 90% or more than 5%, which would not allow exercise in high altitude.
In addition, some persons present pulmonary edema in altitude, and must go down. This is independent from cystic fibrosis and is no predictable.

Before leaving, some precautions are recommended and should be discussed with your doctor :
- antibiotics perfusions two weeks before departure in order to optimize your health,
- take an insurance including repatriation for pre-existing illness (more expensive),
- take all documents and certificate to cross security check and customs (about medication, air compressor, needles, syringes…),
- realize a medical report with name, address, phone of your medical team (in English),
- look at the voltage and take an adapter if necessary to use nebuliser or another respiratory-related equipment.

During the journey, prevention of salt depletion and dehydration should be done by consuming salt (take with you salt supplement tablet) and water (prefer bottled water rather than tap water). You should no forget solar protection which is very important in altitude and should see with your doctor if you have any photosensitive medicines.

Of course, recommended vaccines should be applied before travel.

Sincerely yours

Dr Isabelle Danner-Boucher

Please find additional information in the paper:
"Travelling with cystic fibrosis: Recommendations for patients and care team members" by T.O. Hirche et al. on behalf of the ECORN-Cf study group in the Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 9 (2010) 385-399.
D. d'Alquen