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Should we be wary of puddles? Can we let our kids jump in puddles? Can you ride through puddles with bikes, strollers ..... ? Thank you.
Germs are everywhere in our environment including puddles (accumulation of rainwater, not to be confused with stagnant water).

The benefits of physical activity for a child with cystic fibrosis are indisputable. Sport and outdoor recreation are not only possible but recommended for the physical and moral health of the child. Social ties are strengthened and improved quality of life when in addition, these activities are carried out within a group.

Exposure to splashes of rain, in the situation you are asking is short and the onset of contamination seems unlikely, but the "zero risk" does not exist.
Precautions can be taken after these activities: washing of hands of the child, change wet clothes to avoid "cooling" ......

In weighing the pros and cons, benefits for the child appear to outweigh the risks to which it may be exposed.

Hoping to have answered your question.

Best Regards
Marie-Laure Madec