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use of a spa at home

Can a CF patient bathe in a spa? If yes what are the security requirements? Thank you
I guess you mean by spa a tub producing whirlpool and massages.
Generally, spa treatments and park centers, or jacuzzis are not recommended for people with cystic fibrosis because of risks associated with possible stagnation of water and multiplication of germs such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Public Balneotherapy falls into this category. Regarding private use, the risks are probably much lower if maintenance is rigorous. If the tub is installed, precautions are the following: clean and drain nozzle after each use. Once or twice a month, do the cleaning of the nozzles and the circuit. This task may be easier if your bathtub nozzles are removable. Clean with a specific detergent sold in specialized stores. If your nozzles are fixed, perform a thorough cleaning of the circuit. Fill your bath by adding 20 cl special detergent and run for 10 to 20 minutes. Then drain and rinse the tub.
If the spa bath has been unused for several weeks, the nozzles tend to clog. Proceed to intense cleaning of your equipment.
Please do not use shower gels or oils in the bath. They clog the channels. Contrary to popular belief, it is important to wash before plunging into his tub. This equipment is reserved for relaxation.
Dr Sophie Ravilly