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cystic fibrosis and contact with dolphins

I am a permanent doctor of the Association "Petits Princes", an association that realizes dreams for children with chronic diseases including cystic fibrosis since the age of 25 years.
Several children dream of approaching or even swim with dolphins.
I wanted to know:
1 / What is the risk for children to catch a germ transmitted by dolphins? (I know that dolphins may be potential carriers of P. aeruginosa in the lung)
2 / And vice versa, what is the risk for the dolphins to come into contact with potentially lung-infected CF children?
I look forward to your reply, thank you for your help.
According to the websites visited, it seems that the experience of swimming with dolphins take place mainly at sea. Under these conditions, the dolphins are approached but seem to remain at a distance of 1 to 2 m. This does not present a significant risk as the sea, saltwater environment, is not a major reservoir of bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Concerning the risk to dolphins, there are indeed two publications relating to two cases of P. aeruginosa pneumonia in Dolphins (1979 and 2011), but it is unlikely that it is related to human contamination.
By cons, if the activity takes place in an artificial pool (Dolphinarium), even if it is salt water, the risk of infection is increased slightly, both for dolphins and swimmers.
Therefore the choice of doing the activity in natural environment seems highly preferable.
Thank you for your question and your commitment for sick children.
Dr. Sophie Ravilly