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A friend (24 years) will get liver and lung transplantation. I would like to know his survival chances. What are the risks? And in the long runs?
Dear questioner,
Few cystic fibrosis patients need liver transplantation. There are not a lot published series. The American register of transplantation UNOS shows between 1987 and 2008 only 48 liver transplantations in cystic fibrosis adult patients and 8 combined liver and lung transplantations. Results are similar for combined liver and lung transplantation or just liver transplantation with a survival of 80% at 1 year and between 60 and 70% at 5 years.
After the inital post-operative time, complications are mostly lung transplantation complications with principally infection and rejection (acute and chronic). It is the lung transplantation team who will take care of your friend and supervises the immunosuppressive treatment and potential complications.
Sincerely yours,
Dr Isabelle Danner-Boucher