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colloidal silver

We learned that colloidal silver is highly effective against bacteria and viruses, in the environment and also as remedy for infections. What do you think? Is there any research performed on that topic? Why does nobody talk about the colloidal silver, sometimes considered "miraculous"?
Thank you,
Best regards.

The anti-bacterial properties of silver salts, such as silver nitrate and silver-sulfadiazine, have been known for long time.
Their toxic properties for humans also, unfortunately……That’s why so far silver salts have been used only locally in topical form (it acts where the product is applied): eyes, wounds, burns. A priori, metallic silver in colloidal form (nanoparticles) would be better tolerated. But clinical experience, particularly in cystic fibrosis (one case published) is not enough for decision on the potential therapeutic value of this new formulation. An important thing to note is that most of the literature on colloidal silver are in "low impact factor" journals. And this topic rarely appears in well-known journals (for example: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy). In my opinion, this reflects the weakness of the results obtained.

Best regards,
Prof. Patrick PLESIAT
Bacteriology laboratory, Jean Minjoz hospital , Besançon