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Indoor playground

As being mother of a little girl (16 months old) with CF, I would like to show her the joys of indoor playgrounds (ball pit, slides), but I would like to know if it is possible and if there is a problem with bacteria? Thanks
There are no specific recommendations regarding indoor playgrounds and parks, with the exception of "Center parks" due to a wet and warm atmosphere in a closed environment that promotes the spread of bacteria.
It is better to avoid public places, crowded, especially during epidemics in winter. The ball pit is not disinfected daily and the number of children is often important, it may be better to focus on other activities.
Hygiene risk zero does not exist, bacterial contamination is still possible and unpredictable even within optimal hygiene conditions.
It is advisable to wash your hands after these messy activities.
Best regards,
Catherine Tuysuzian