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3 months of cough

I have a 4-year-old daughter who has for the last three months a cough that sounds as if she has stuck secretions, mostly during the night when she goes to sleep (not during the night especially), but a little during the morning as well when she wakes up. In the meantime she coughs rarely.
She was given Mucosolvan® for 5 days 1 month ago. Afterwards the doctor recommended antibiotics for 10 days (amoxicillin). The last couple of days we give her seretide®(fluticasone and salmeterol)-singulair, but the cough persists for the last three days, she has a running nose and she coughs regularly.
The only time she had fever was 2 months ago for 2-3 days. Her weight and height are at the maximal normal values of the charts. Her sweat is salty, but not anything especially so, as I read about it in CF. Her stools have a normal weight and picture. She has energy and drive from 7.30 in the morning till 9 o’ clock at night (she does not sleep in the afternoons).
This persistent cough drives me crazy. What do you think I should do? The paediatrician has exluded CF, but I do not believe her.
Dear G.,
You have a four year old daughter that coughs for the last three months. I do not know if you have any other children, or if your daughter visits day care for the first time.
If you have another child, taste its sweat and make the comparison. You have already excluded the possibility for your child to have CF. I am certain that your daughter does not suffer from CF, as the paediatrician you visit.
There are many causes that may make a child cough. Your daughter has a normal growth and normal stools, while the most probable causes for her condition could be a post-infectious bronchitis or an allergy, or adenoids.
Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis
14.05.14 Please notify that the expert advice can not make a medical diagnosis nor rule a diganosis out via the Internet. The expert advice can only give general advice. Only the physician in charge, who knows the patient and all his results can make or rule out a diagnosis. If there should be new aspects or clinical symptoms suspicoius for CF, a sweat test would be recommended.
D. d'Alquen