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Lactrase® preparation in case of mould fungus allergy and CF

I am suffering from CF and lately, a lactose intolerance has been diagnosed.
As I am additionally allergic to mould fungi I would like to know, if I can take uncritically Lactrase® preparations, as they are mostly breeded on mould fungi?
Many thanks for your efforts,
Best regards,
Dear questioner,
for the answer to your question, we have also contacted one of the manufacturers of the preparation - the ProNatura company.
The lactase enzyme that is in the preparation Lactrase®, is, as you already know, not of animal origin, but it is manufactured with the help of mould fungi, like i.a. Aspergillus oryzae or also yeast fungi. These fungi are already used for the production of food enzymes for decades. In the producing process it is paid very much attention to the fact, that from the fungus, no allergic fungus proteins can come into the preparation. Tracks of protein could indeed cause allergic reaction also in form of an ABPA in highly sensitized patients. The manufacturer, however, cannot report a single case since market authorization. From the literature case reports are not known to me, either. With this background information, the probability of an allergic reaction in case of patients sensitized to Aspergillus is extremely small, however cannot be excluded. Therefore, a decision has to be made individually for the concerned patient and a risk-benefit analysis should be done. In order to make the right decision in your case, please turn to your CF physician in charge. Our expert team cannot recommend anything in this case, as an individual therapeutical recommendation is not possible (see also legal disclaimer).
Best regards,
Dr. med. Christina Smaczny