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Kitten (baby cat)

Hello, we will adopt a kitten within 1 week, the veterinarian said to the current owners of the kittens that since the children had played with them and they might have got worms it was also necessary to treat the kids! Should I do it? Is there no risk for my 5-year-old CF son? What is the most appropriate product?
Thank you in advance for your response.
Yes, in case of proven or suspected presence of gastrointestinal parasites in a pet, it is good practice to treat both the animal and the entire entourage who was in contact with the animal (children and adults). Unless you have knowledge of the type of parasite carried by the kitten, the product to use is an anthelmintic such as Flubendazole. It is available in tablet form or oral suspension and is usually well tolerated apart from rare allergic reactions or brief digestive upset (abdominal pain, stool change).
Unless known history of allergic reaction, so it can also be used for children and adults with cystic fibrosis.
Gilles RAULT, MD, Roscoff CF Center