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My 13-year-old daughter has recently been examined several times because CF was suspected. She had a lot of lung infections with Pseudomonas etc.

Shortly after her birth CF was also suspected (or Hirschsprung) because she did not release the meconium. After her birth she stayed 1,5 days in hospital. When we came home she still didn’t release meconium. They hesitated to take her back to the hospital, but because she looked rather well, they postponed it. After a day a little bit came, but it was normal baby stool.

I always thought they made a mistake at the hospital. It was quite messy at the department and maybe they just forgot to take note whether my daughter made meconium or not.
Is it theoretically possible that a child only had ordinary baby stool and no meconium? To me it doesn’t seem possible but because of the current suspicion of CF I start to doubt it.
Thank you for your question. The first black-greenish stool that a baby makes is called meconium.
At present, it is impossible to determine whether or not your child did release meconium at the hospital and in a way it does not matter anymore. Delayed passing of stool or not passing stool at all in the neonatal period occurs only in approximately 10-15% of children with cystic fibrosis or CF.
Now, it is of utmost importance that your daughter is being examined to see whether or not she does have CF. This is usually done by a sweat test.
Speak with your doctor about it and he will give you all the necessary information.
Best regards,
Prof. K. de Boeck