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Mucomyst® [n-acetylcysteine]

Some CF centers prescribe Mucomyst® (n-acetylcysteine), others not at all. There seems to be a reserve by some doctors about this drug still effective to thin the mucus. I want to know why.
Thank you

In response to your question, I suggest the answer already made by Professor JC Dubus:
"Despite a proven in vitro mucolytic activity and a use that was abundant, no data has shown that the N-acetylcysteine taken by oral or inhalation was an effective treatment - regardless of respiratory disease. Moreover, by inhalation, one of its main problems is to bronchospasm. That is why this molecule is not recommended, especially as other drugs, such as rhDNase (Pulmozyme ®) have shown their effect quite positive in cystic fibrosis. "

P. Reix