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Could you tell me if Spirulina Bio, powdered, could be beneficial for my CF adult daughter?
Is there a risk of bacterial contamination with this dietary supplement?
She has an Aspergillosis.
Thanking you in advance.
Best regards.

Spirulina is an algae rich in protein, iron, beta carotene, which has been sometimes proposed in the treatment of malnutrition in Africa, and which is sometimes used as a dietary supplement. There are currently very few clinical studies evaluating the benefit of this supplementation, it is not conclusive. I have not found any study about cystic fibrosis.

Methods of cultivation and exploitation of this algae vary widely by country. Spirulina is likely to be contaminated by toxins or heavy metals. It is therefore essential to opt for controlled cultivation methods to prevent this contamination.

In the current state of knowledge, we can not recommend its use, and prefer to rely on a balanced diet, calorie, varied to provide the necessary nutrients.

Best regards
Dr Michèle Gérardin