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construction of house / fireplace ?

We are parents of a CF little girl of 10 months and we are building our house. As part of the disease, we wonder if there are precautions to observe that could allow her to live in an environment as healthy as possible, and also make our lives easier in terms of hygiene at home.
- A ventilation system to favor dual stream, single-flow?
- Flooring?
- Installation of a fireplace or wood stove avoided? Thank you for your answers.

You ask, as part of the construction project, relevant issues. It is important to identify the highest situations at risk in the environment of your daughter.
I did not find any information on recommendations in cystic fibrosis about the installation of a ventilation system to favor dual stream rather than simple flow.
It seems excessive to prohibit the installation of a fireplace or a wood stove. Like any fuel, wood burning creates pollution (carbon monoxide, particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide .....). Installing a stove performance (meets EPA production smoke) or fireplace insert that reduces toxic emissions can reduce the risk. Use should be made as appropriate: filling respect, respect for nature and quality of the fuel. The maintenance of heating appliances and chimney flues must be done yearly by professionals.
For the flooring, it is recommended to focus on smooth and easily cleanable.
For more detailed information, you can call a medical advisor on the environment. It is a qualified professional trained to establish an audit of the indoor environment. Ask the Professionals your reference center, they may be able to put you in touch with a medical advisor on the environment.
Best regards
Marie-Laure Madec
