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intravenous antibiotic treatment /home

Hi,I am from Hungary and my sister has CF. She is 19 now. She has been doing well but just this week it was considered that after the 21 days tobramicyn treatment she has too much mucus. She can not breath poperly probably due to bronchial problems / may be bronchiectasis (never before). She has never been treated with IV but it seems that now this is the best solution. In Hungary the doctors just as the hospitals are disasters and the Cf centers do not work properly. My question is that if we have the money can we take her somewhere abroad within the EU for the 14 days IV Treatment (mainly Austria, but also Switzerland,Slovenia,UK)? Or even have her CF doctor abroad? In this enviroment IV treatment would weekenth her immune system which would cause other infections. Thank you for your help in advance!!!!!
Dear questioner,
I got an answer from Mrs Feigele, from the Austrian patient organization, here is what she wrote:
“If a CF-patient (paying on his own) can be treated in hospital, is the decision of the respective director of the particular CF center. The treatment, however, involves a very great deal of expense. It would be the best for the questioner/patient to contact directly one of our CF centers:
AKH-Zentrum für Pädiatrische Pulmologie, Allergologie, Cystische Fibrose
und Lungentransplantation
CF-Zenturm: OA Dr. Sabine Renner
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
1090 Wien
Tel.: (01) 404 00-3243 (-3245)

Univ.-Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde Graz
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ernst Eber
Abt. für Päd. Pulmologie und Allergololgie
Auenbruggerplatz 30
8036 Graz
Tel: 0316 / 385 - 12620
Fax: 0316 / 385 - 13276

Further CF centers in Austria can be found under the following link:

I hope to have helped you with the information,
Best regards,
Daniela Feigele

(Cystische Fibrose Hilfe Österreich)“
Also hope this helps you further,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Daniela d’Alquen (Coordinator of the Central English Archive of ECORN-CF)