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Rabbit in the school classroom

My son will be 6 years old, he is homozygous for F508del-CFTR mutation. He will start preparatory class next September. There are 2 teachers and one has in his class a cage with a rabbit ... We have to do a "Project of individualized school reception" but I would like to know what are the risks for our son if he would be in this class and if we have to ask him to go in the other class where there are no pets? Thank you for your reply.

A very complete answer on pets has already been published on the ECORN site. Here is the link to follow to view the answer:

It is important as you point out to speak about this question in the "Project of individualized school reception". According to the "standard" rules of hygiene, including washing hands, your child may certainly benefit from the presence of this animal in its class.

Best regards,

Marie-Laure Madec