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Cystic fibrosis?

Dear experts,
I (28, female) suffer for years from mucus in the lungs, thorat, nose. Reflux has been excluded, lung has been investigated, no allergies, nose has been investigated without result. For a longer time digestive problems.
Especially the mucus in the throat is disturbing as I have to hawk it away. Because of the mucus in the lung I got asthma. Would it be possible that this could be a form of CF? Which kind of physician is making such a diagnose?
Many thanks
you ask, if the illness of CF could be the reason for the described symptoms of a "phlegmy" lung and which kind of physician could check for this diagnose in your case.
The illness can not be diganosed due to single symtoms nor be excluded. Your complaints could fit in several diseases or though be harmless and could possibly be eliminated by a sufficient amoung of drinking, usage of sucking sweets and getting rid of a possibly aquired "constraint to hawk". For the clarification of your complaints however, you should present at an ENT specialist or pulmonologist. You can discuss with the pulmonologist the topic CF, who will send you to a CF center if necessary. In case the suspicion of CF would arise regarding your symptoms, the performance of a so-called sweat test would be sensible. This test should be performed at a certifed CF center. Further diagnostic steps result from the outcome of the sweat test in the context of all other results.

I hope to have helped you with my answer and send you my best regards,
Dr. med. Christina Smaczny