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Baby wipes

my daughter suffers since birth from CF, after 7 weeks Pseudomonas has been detected and treated. My question is, if there is a danger that Pseudomonas can stay in baby wipes?
baby wipes are composed of a soft mixed fiber fleece. A soak lotion of water with fat and oil ingredients is keeping them permanently humid; emulsifiers are responsible for mixing of the two phases. Furthermore, there are anti-inflammatory, calming or moisturizing substances like allantoin, aloe vera, camomille or panthenol. The wipes are in general pH-adjusted and free of alcohol.
According to the information of the manufacturer, baby wipes are free of germs, therefore there is no risk of conatmination with Pseudomonas when opening them for the first time. In case of correct storage and usage (re-closing after opening) it should not be possible, that the baby wipes get contaminated with Pseudomonas.

Best regards,
Jörg Steinmann