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Vertex - results of a phase 2 study for patients heterozygous for F508del

The Vertex company has published results regarding patients heterozygous for the F508del mutation, here is the link:
It seems to me that patients heterozygous for the F508del mutation could have a potential treatment like the one received by patients carrying two copies of the F508del mutation. This is correct? Could they be included in clinical trials? Thank for your reply. Regards.

In the press release dated on 29 july 2014, we can read information regarding the results of a phase 2 clinical trial in patients carrying one copy of the F508del mutation and a second mutation that is not expected to respond to either Ivacaftor (VX-770) or Lumacafotr (VX-809) alone. 125 patients older than 12 years, received during 8 weeks VX-770 associated to VX-809. But no significant difference, in terms of percentage points for the FEV1, has been shown.

Anna Ronayette
Head of clinical research programs of Vaincre la mucoviscidose

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D. d'Alquen