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I would like to know why some CF centers do not encourage the breast feeding of the CF babies and propose systematically an enriched milk, while we know the benefits of the maternal milk?
Dear questioner,

As for every newborn child, the maternal breast feeding is widely advised in CF, on condition naturally that it answers a wish of the mother. The profits of the maternal feeding, so much on the nutritional, infectious, that psychological fields, are numerous. We also know that the energy needs are more important for CF children, and we know the positive impact of a good nutritional state.

In spite of the qualities of the maternal milk, the supply of energy and protein can be insufficient in case of CF, and the salt supply can also be too poor notably during periods of heat.

We observe frequently a compensatory increase of the drunken quantities, what can favour discharges and vomits.

That is why the dietitians often propose, in addition to the breast feeding, supplements, for example in the form of a small volume of pulled mother's milk that is enriched, not to raise a gastroesophageal reflux.

The performance of the maternal breast feeding is thus possible and desirable during the first months of life, with sometimes small supplements, allowing an optimal growth and pleasure for the mother and the child of a mode of chosen feeding.

Best regards
Michèle Gérardin