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Hello, my 11-year-old daughter daily inhales colistin aerosols delivered via an e-Flow. My MD has informed me about a dry powder form of colistin in capsules as it exists for tobramycin. I would know when the dry powder colistin will be available in France. Thanks very much for your responses.
Hello and thanks for your question,
You’re right, a dry powder form of colistin has been developed [Colobreathe®]. The dose is inhaltion of 1 capsule twice a day whatever the age is. Its indication is chronic infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in CF patients aged 6 years and more. A European authorization for its use has been delivered on February 13th 2012. In France, the price of this drug is still waiting, preventing it from a French authorization of its use.
I hope to have answered your question. With my best regards,
Prof Jean-Christophe Dubus