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No effect?

Hello, I suffer from CF and take for one week Bronchitol®.
However, I do not have the impression at all, that it transports my mucus.
During inhalation I cough severly, however it does not come really anything out, it is more a dry cough.
I am now a bit insecure, I cough now more than before (the whole night), however nothing is getting loose....
I hardly cough in general, now I do it constantly and nothing happens, it is only an irritating cough.
Does it take some time until it has an effect? I have up to now read so many positive reports from other patients, that I ask myself the question, if it is effective at all in my case!
before you got Bronchitol®, did you make a testing of the lung function in order to clarify if you tolerate it? This is mandatory and there are not few patients, who cannot take it, because they react with a worsening of the lung function to the drug. Then it makes no sense to take it.
If you have done the test and have not reacted to it, it can nevertheless be possible, that side effects like cough occur and if it has no positive effect for you and only has side effects, there is only one thing to do: stop it. Then it is not the drug for you. Everybody reacts in another way!
Talk before however again to your physician, who prescribed it.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Joachim Bargon