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Hypertonic saline solution

Why is hypertonic saline soultion not used prophylactically from the youngest age on, for degradation of the mucus? Apparently, it is effective for the airways of infants.
Dear questioner,

hypertonic saline inhalation solution is effective in terms of reduction of the number of episodes of bronchial secondary infections (exacerbations) in adults. This was shown by clinical trials of excellent methodological quality. Concerning children between 4 months and 5 years, we have only data of the clinical trial “ISIS” (Infant Study of Inhaled Saline in Cystic Fibrosis), whose results were published in 2012. This study did not manage to show superiority of inhalations with hypertonic saline 7% twice daily for 48 weeks compared with inhalation of physiological salt solution. However, it does not mean that this treatment is not of interest in the early CF respiratory care of young children. Indeed, in a subgroup of children included in the same project, a significant improvement of certain parameters of respiratory function was observed, supposing that the hypertonic saline soultion could have an effect on the preservation or even the improvement of the respiratory function. Other trials are in progress to estimate the value of this treatment for children under the age of 6 years.

Best regards,
Philippe Reix