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Correctors and germs

Dear expert team,

supposed one of the new drug combinations e.g. by Vertex would be suited for a correction of the homozygous Fdel508 defect, would encourage the cells to take up their tasks to at least 10% until e.g. 40%, and would result in a similar improvement concerning FEV1 and anti-inflammation as Ivacaftor® does for the so-called celtic mutation. Then what about lungs/respiratory tracts colonized with germs? Less mucus and accordingly more "normal" function = degradation of germs and/or fewer new infections? Or will the problem of the destroyed tissue remain due to the initial exposure?

correcting the basic defect to a large extent would protect the areas that are still healthy from infestation and destruction by infection and inflammation more effectively -- the lesser the degree of infestation, the more effective. An alteration of the lungs can not be reversed, but the condition of the mucous membranes would then be more normal and hence the preconditions for a cleaning would be better as well.

So: better - yes, everything like new - no!

Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner