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I have a small question about the vitamins which my son has to take. How I have to give them to him? The vitamin K: can I put it in his feeding-bottle of chocolate because he likes not at all the taste when I give it to him with the pipette? The uvedose® [vitamin D]: it is a bulb to be drunk. How may I give to him? May I mix it to anything in the feeding-bottle to be drunk or with chocolate?

In cystic fibrosis, there is a disorder of digestion of fats. Certain vitamins (A - D - E - K) are soluble in fats and thus badly absorbed. It is thus imperative to take these vitamins with pancreatic extracts. However certain vitamins as K are very bitter and difficult to swallow. I disadvise you to put the bulb in the feeding-bottle of chocolate because if your child does not drink all the contents it will have no all its dose. However, you can mix a little chocolate milk or fruit juice with the Vitamin K in a syringe for example and give him his feeding-bottle immediately. For uvédose® it is recommended to administer it pure, with a little water (a light cloudy can appear) or a little chocolate milk.
