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Care of CF people

I wanted to know how the people affected by the cystic fibrosis are taken care of?
Thank you
Dear questioner,

In France, the people affected by cystic fibrosis are directed to a specialized CF center (a little more of 30 and at least one by region). A multidisciplinary team proposes them an adapted care, a regular follow-up, the modalities of which are largely fixed by the CF National Protocol of Diagnosis and Cares (NPDC).

If you want more precise information (list of the CF centers, modalities of follow-up, social coverage etc.), I invite you to consult:
- The site of the french CF association ( )
- The NPDC (http: // plication/pdf/07-025-mucovisidose-guide _sans_lap.pdf)

Hope I could help,
Best regards
Laetitia Guéganton (moderator of the forum)