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I'm a CF patient. When my friend comes to stay with me she always spends the night with a very stuffy nose (inflammation without flow) and swollen eyes. This quickly gives the alarm. The rest of the time she has no symptoms (though she lives in Paris ...)
Where can this come from (humidity?) And most importantly, can this affect me, too? (Although I do not feel discomfort.)
Best regards.

It is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis on this simple information. However, the sudden onset of symptoms you describe to your friend, their rehearsal when she comes to sleep at at your home rather evokes an allergy. The fact that the signs appear at night and disappear after waking in the morning suggest that substances that cause allergies (allergens) are present in the place of the bedroom and not in the rest of the housing. However, the accentuation signs of allergy during the night is normal because normal secretion of natural corticosteroids (which have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect) is lower overnight.

The too hot and dry atmosphere can actually exacerbate these symptoms.
These symptoms, if they reflect an allergy, do not present a particular risk to you. By cons, similar symptoms may also reflect a viral or bacterial infection that might affect you, but in this case there is no reason why they appear and disappear in the morning.

My interpretation of the symptoms you describe is, however, just a hypothesis. Some tips I would like to suggest you:
- encourage your friend to consult an allergist doctor to confirm the hypothesis of an allergy, specify the allergen and, if possible, take this allergen eviction measures;
- vaccinate (you and your friend) against the flu if not already done.

Hoping this response will be helpful.
I wish you and your friend a happy new year

Gilles RAULT, MD, Roscoff CF Center