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Mycobacterium abscessus towards double lung transplantation

Dear expert team,
a CF patient wrote recently to me, that she could not get a lung transplant because of a colonization with Mycobacterium abscessus with recurrent infections (with sporadic finding of S. maltophilia + recently Pseudallescheria Boydii). I do not find any literature about this. A recent review article form the German physicians newspaper, does for example not mention this at all. Is it possible that the patient is believing a hasty assessment?
In this context I would propose to widen the search function of this valuable Archive with a similarity function. E.g. the word "abscessus" appears also as "absessus" and "abcessus". It is a pitty if one does not find these (incorrect) variants of a potential life saving article!
I would ask you for a quick answer, as she does not tolerate the antibiotics, that have been used for an longer time (Linezolid; peripheral neuropathy), and that had to be stopped a few days ago.

Best regards,
K.-R. H.
we provided the questioner with an article, as he has left his mail adress in the system.
Here comes the answer, given from Prof. Gottlieb (Medical School, Hannover, Germany):
"The 2015 published ISHLT- conensus recommendations (Weill D et al JHL 2015) list M. abscessus as a relative contraindication:
''Infection with Burkholderia cenocepacia, Burkholderia gladioli, and multi-drug–resistant Mycobacterium abscessus if the infection is sufficiently treated preoperatively and there is a reasonable expectation for adequate control postoperatively.For patients with these infections to be considered suitable transplant candidates the patients should be evaluated by centers with significant experience managing these infections in the transplant setting, and patients should be aware of the increased risk of transplant because of these infections.' "
Here comes the link to the cited article:
Best regards,
Annette Pfalz for ECORN-CF