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Dear expert team,

We currently use an ordinary inhaler (2 ml, nebulizing time ca. 10-15 min), but our CF clinic now recommended a new one (2 ml, nebulizing time ca. 2 min). My daughter is one-and-a-half years old and my physiotherapist advised me against using the new device, since a toddler would have to sit upright while using it in order for anything to reach the lungs at all! She also said the device was not suited for toddlers anyway. I am completely confused now and would like to get a third opinion from you! Should we keep using our old device with the longer inhalation time (the little one is cooperating very well), or should we switch after all?

Many thanks for your answer.

you would like to know whether inhalation with the e-Flow rapid® is sensible for a one-and-a-half-year-old child.

According to the manufacturer, the e-Flow rapid® is approved for children from age two. This has to do with the fact that the e-Flow rapid® requires a certain physiological inhalation volume of the user, which is only given from about the age of two onwards.

Additionally, you should keep in mind the size of the drops the e-Flow rapid® produces, which is ca. 4 µm MMD (median diameter of the drops produced by the device). This size is less effective for the diameter of a baby’s respiratory tracts, since the droplets cannot infiltrate the respiratory tracts deeply enough. The density of the inhalation nebula the device produces is significantly better than with the Pariboy® compressor inhalation, though.

There certainly are decisions on a by-case basis that would justify the use of the e-Flow rapid® for children younger than two years of age.

In your case, it certainly seems sensible to keep using the Pariboy®, since your child accepts the longer inhalation time. At age two or three (depending on the child’s cooperation), one can, or should, switch from the facial mask to a mouthpiece for increased efficiency of the inhalation. After that, there is the option of switching to the e-Flow rapid®.

I hope my answer is helpful for your decision.

Kind regards
Kathrin Könecke