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Please note: While some information will still be current in a year, other information may already be out of date in three months time. If you are in any doubt, please feel free to ask.

Salt intake in the diet

We add salt in the diet of our child to compensate for the loss of chloride ions (if I understood correctly)
Are the recommended intakes exclusively NaCl (table salt) ? Or can one take the form of NaCl and KCl ?
Questions arising in CF : is the organism lacking, in balance, or overdose with Na + or K + ?. Where can I find more information on these ion exchanges ? Is there any interest to take Cl while balancing the intake of Na + and K + in cystic fibrosis ?
Thank you

In cystic fibrosis there is unrest about ion exchange due to dysfunction of a protein called CFTR, one of whose functions is to regulate the transport of chloride ions into cells. There are several losses due to chloride ions such as you write it.
The loss of "potassium" (as potassium chloride: KCl) in sweat is low and does not require compensation, apart from exceptions. This loss is controlled by a normal diet. Self medication is not recommended.

The main excessive loss is "sodium" or salt (NaCl). It may be different for each individual but it causes a risk of dehydration and this must be compensated:
- In infants up to 6 months
- In breast-fed infants and
- In children and adults in special situations at risk of dehydration : during hot weather, fever, intense physical activity.
It is important to remember that good hydration is essential and goes with NaCl supplementation.
Table salt is a form of NaCl and many foods also contain it. Salt can also be taken with oral rehydration solution, water rich in sodium or salt capsules.
If signs such as vomiting, nausea, fatigue, apathy, muscle cramps, headache, fever, dislike of water appear, it is imperative and urgent to consult, these are signs of dehydration.
Apart from these situations in a temperate region, a balanced diet compensates losses every day.

An excess of regular supplementation with NaCl may be harmful and causes excessive loss of calcium. It is recommended to check the balance through determination of sodium in a urine sample and adjust wisely the salt supplements.
I advise you to talk with the doctor for advice on the right balance.
The ion exchange’s disorders are complex. Apart from situations at risk of dehydration requiring salt and water supplementation, self-medication is not recommended.

Site to visit:

For more information on ion exchange:

Best wishes
Marythé Kerbrat