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filter tap

Are there risks to use water filtered by a device installed directly on tap (type filter Brita on Tap) in the context of cystic fibrosis?
Thank you for your reply. Regards.
Your question is very relevant and it is not so simple to answer.
It would be interesting to know the reasons for installing this type of filter:
• Odour
• More safety regarding hygiene and chemical risks
• Ecological criteria
• Economic criteria
• Other ...
Anyway, in theory, without going into details, hygienists do not like water treatment of that filters anymore, and to my knowledge there is no recommendation on the use of these water filters.
There is a risk of bacterial leaching or other toxic products unless a rigorous visual inspection and a management worthy of a water treatment plant: changing of filters ...
Compared with CF, it seems safer to run the tap water a few seconds before use. As for the quality, tap water is usually very controlled and healthy.
Hoping to have answered your question
Yann Kerneur