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decanter with filter

Can we use a filtering decanter for the drinking water? If yes, are there particular precautions?
To my knowledge, there are no studies on CF and filters.
We must already know your reasons for using a decanter with filter:
Mitigate the bad taste of tap water? Prevent furring up of the coffee machine? Delete any unwanted substances?
However there are universal precautions :
It is imperative to change the cartridge every month for decanters. Otherwise, it ends up in no longer performing its function and there is the risk of missing particles from its components. Further, the filtered water is to be stored in the decanter placed in a refrigerator and consumed within 24 to 48 hours. Do not forget to rinse the decanter regularly. Always keep the cartridge immersed. On the one hand, it will avoid drying. Moreover, the bacterial growth which otherwise would be promoted by the contact of the air with water and the disappearance of the chlorine thus is limited.
Consumer associations have published articles on this subject, I suggest you to read them before making your decision.
Best regards.
Yann Kerneur
There has been an former question on this topic:[showitem]=1449&tx_expertadvice_pi1[search]=water%20filter

In the answer, usage of such water filters is rather discouraged, as there is always a potential risk of contamination and growth with germs on those filters.
Some companies therefore add silver ions to their filters, however this cannot totally inhibit bacterial growth and some ions also suspend into the water (which is not harmful for health, but silver is a substance that should not have a place in the Body). Water coming from the tap is in most countries (like Germany, France) one of the best controlled foods and can be used without further filtering.
In case the water content of lime (calcium ions) is too high and e.g. tea of coffee does not taste well, those filters can reduce to some extent the calcium concentration, if the water is used for tea or coffee it is boiled anyway, so there is no bacterial risk. In order one wants to drink the filtered water directly (without boiling), one has to take the above mentioned precautions, in order to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination of the water.
D. d'Alquen