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Private life

Is it possible to have several intercourses per day, what is the best time, and should we avoid certain positions?
Thank you for your question that maybe numerous couples in which one partner has cystic fibrosis are asking themselves. Sex is an essential part of life, regardless of age, sex, health or physical ability. You do not specify which partner has cystic fibrosis, so we will answer in a very general way and advise you to read a very complete article on the subject published in our french magazine or the canadian brochure on this topic (see additional comment).

Sexual life of patients with cystic fibrosis can be completely fulfilling and satisfactory and no contraindication exists in this domain. Some advice can be given to avoid the coughing fits, or in case of breathlessness.

If you feel fine after climbing two flights of stairs, you are physically fit enough to have sex without worrying about shortness of breath. There is no "medical" contraindication to have sex several times a day. Nevertheless, if the partner with cystic fibrosis is a man, it happens sometimes (but not always) that salt deposits on genitalia further to an important physical exercise (sports, sexual activities) because of the high content in salt of the perspiration. During unprotected sexual intercourse, the possible salty secretions can be left in the vagina of the partner, with possible irritation and subsequent pain for her. These embarrassment may be increased by the repetition of the intercourse. To avoid this situation (who let us say again is not systematic), it is recommended to rinse genitals, as soon as possible after sexual relations with penetration.

We also remind that men and women with cystic fibrosis are confronted with the same sexual risks as any other individual: sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy. Prevention measures exist (condom is the best barrier against STI and unwanted pregnancies).

Taking time during sexual relations is essential. The atmosphere is important, and sexual act needs preparation: it is the logical outcome of various foreplay. Do not look for performance at any price.

The timing is the one that suits you both. Do your physiotherapy exercises to dislodge mucus prior to having sex. In case of asthma or exercise induced asthma, a bronchodilator may be taken ahead. If the activity is limited by shortness of breath when significant respiratory impairment is present, one can then ask the partner to be more active.

Some positions are more comfortable than others. Positions on the side can avoid bearing the weight of the partner such as those standing or kneeling behind (doggie style) and finally any position which releases the rib cage. The ideal is for the CF partner to have the head elevated relative to the rest of the body. Positions on the back are rarely recommended for the CF partner as they may cause or contribute to cough (however, a pillow, for example, can be used to slightly raise the top of the back). You can change positions frequently to avoid fatigue from repetitive movements, but do not break the rhythm ... position changes must be agreed by both partners.

Finally, everything does not have to be always perfect: first and foremost, it is essential to be well with his (or her) partner. Softness, complicity, and
enjoyment of the game .. are among the keys of a successful sexuality.

Dr Sophie Ravilly and Laetitia Gueganton