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Ecologic swimming pool

Is it safe to swim in an ecologic swimming pool concerning CF?
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Most patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) suffer from respiratory infection, usually with bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Patients with cystic fibrosis are particulary susceptible to lung infections by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Chronic (permanent) presence of Pseudomonas in the airways causes in general a more rapid decline in lung function. Therefore, there are often questions around risk of infection on exposure to swimming pool/pond.
Pseudomonas bacteria are often found in moisture environment, especially in warm places such as stagnant water. Exposure to this environmental bacteria cannot be avoided completely. In addition, there is no hard scientific evidence that avoiding activities such as swimming or showering would reduce infection with Pseudomonas. In many European countries, strict hygiene standards are imposed in public swimming pools, where the water is examined for the presence of bacteria such as Pseudomonas. With appropriate disinfection and hygiene the presence of high concentrations of Pseudomonas is unlikely. For tropical pools, it is more difficult to guarantee the quality of the water, since in very warm water and humidity, the bacteria grow faster. For that reason some centers advise not to visit such parks or subtropical swimming pools, even if there is no evidence that this actually involves risks.
Preventive measures are not always based on hard evidence, and may therefore differ slightly from center to center, also based on the local hygiene standards. A reasonable balance should be found between sufficient prudence and ability to participate in social activities.

Our advice is that swimming in public and private swimming pools who are disinfected according to the imposed rules, and swimming ponds that have a blue label involves no significant risk to infection with Pseudomonas. Please discuss this with your local doctor.
Prof. K. deBoeck