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possibility for CF

I am a mother of two children. My second child has a persistent wheezing. We have had a full respiratory examination, an Xray and we did a sweat test with a result of 19.2. The first testing of the sputum reported pseudomonas, but not the second one. We were advised to have a genetic testing for CF. I was tested for df508 in my first pregnancy with negative results. Do you think my child has CF?
Dear friend,
Before answering your question, I would like some clarifications. Was there a particular reason you had a genetic testing during your first pregnancy? Was your husband tested as well? Is there a history of CF in your families? Was your child born with normal weight? Did it have any other respiratory problems, or problems with its gastrointestinal tract, or growth problems? How old is it now and what is its height and weight? I would really like to know all this before giving you an answer.
Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis