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To see the dentist

Dear expert team,

our son will be 2 years old in October. Since March we know that he has cystic fibrosis and celiac disease besides. Now we would like to take him to the dentist to introduce him to the doctor and have his teeth inspected for the first time. Are there any risks? Where should we especially see to in connection with visits at the dentist’s? Currently we still feel rather insecure. I would much appreciate your answer and thank you very much in advance.

It makes sense and is important to present even very young children to the dentist every half year. Thus with two years the first visit at the dentist’s is just right for your son! Also with the primary dentition and especially with the primary dentition preventive examinations are indicated. Here the course is set for a healthy development of the teeth and for intact mutual trust with the team of the dental surgery. There you will also get age-based information, for example the early diagnosis booklet of the federal states’ medical associations. There is no risk at all with an early diagnosis examination. For this we use the plain stomatoscope, show the treatment room to the child or familiarise the child with the bright light of the surgery lamp, simply play „counting teeth“ and practice teeth brushing.
If, however, therapeutic treatment should be necesary in the near future (for example filling therapy, extraction of a milk tooth etc.) please have a look at my answer to the question „visit at the dentist’s, sealing a CF child’s teeth“ in the ECORN-CF expert advice of April 5, 2008.

With kindest regards,
Michael Sies