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Stem Cells


Our first son is affected by Cystic Fibrosis. Currently I am pregnant again and heard about archival storage of stem cells from the umbilical cord. Is there really any sense in investing a lot of money there? Of course we would hope that science might be thus far advanced one day that our first son could profit from these stem cells.
What do you think about this matter?

Thank you very much and kindest regards.

Unfortunately nowadays we do not know if it will ever be possible to help a CF patient with stem cells from a sibling’s cord blood. Basically using stem cells appears alluring, but currently the preparation and storage of cord blood by way of precaution cannot be recommended yet. This is different, however, when an application already exists – but just that is not the case with Cystic Fibrosis-, then you can try to specifically use stem cells from the placenta and from cord blood. More (reliable) information
you will find here:

With kind regards,
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner