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Foods and bacteria

Are there foods to avoid in the case of cystic fibrosis? I think especially of bacteria and cheese such as Roquefort. Our CF Centre asks us not to keep water in the refrigerator more than 24 hours. What about food, such as a dish ?
It is not always easy to navigate between general health advice and those specific to cystic fibrosis. There are no forbidden foods for consumption in cystic fibrosis. In case of external pancreatic insufficiency, we must think of the pancreatic and adapt depending on the fat content of foods.
Your CF centre has advised you rightly to keep a bottle of spring water or mineral after its opening in the fridge (some recommendations are up to 48 hours). But these recommendations are not specific to CF patients and are valid for everyone to prevent the growth of bacteria in the water. Water must be stored in a clean, dry and cool, away from light. Avoid drinking from the bottle (facilitates the growth of bacteria) and close it after each use. The bottle once opened, must be kept in the refrigerator and should be drunk within 24 to 48 hours.
For food there are no specific recommendations, the standard rules of basic food hygiene to prevent food poisoning risks prevail: hand washing, compliance with cold chain, cleaning the refrigerator (at least 1 time per month), storage of food at less than 10 °C, respect deadlines indicated on consumer packaging. For meals they can be kept 2 days between 0 and 3 degrees (see the temperature at different stages of the refrigerator) show storage of food in the fridge on the French sites: and

These recommendations are important, but it is equally important to make mealtime a pleasant and friendly time, I wish you good appetite and I hope that I have answered your request.
Marythé Kerbrat
