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Ripened cheeses, bacteria, moistures

Hi. In our family we like sometimes to eat not pasteurized and well ripened cheeses. Is it dangerous for our child to come with us to the cheese dairy (he doesn’t touch the cheeses and doesn’t visit the maturing cellars)? On the other hand, can he eat these cheeses (I think to the blue cheeses with moistures, “cantal” with dust mites on the rind or other milk-uncooked cheeses which contain of course bacteria)? Thanks for your response.
Hello and thanks for your question. We are all exposed daily to various microorganisms including moistures. It is likely reasonable to avoid high exposition to moistures in case of cystic fibrosis (maturing cellars for instance). Concerning the second question, no scientific proof can link a possible consumption of ripened or not ripened cheeses to a an additional risk of infection. With my best regards.
Pr Jean-Christophe DUBUS