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Amount of daily drinking

I would like to know for my friend, who suffers from CF, how much water one has to drink daily in case of CF?
in case of CF, the water and salt losses, e.g. via increased sweating, are in general higher than in case of healthy people. Investigatons have shown, that the feeling of thirst is despite of an increased need for fluids often reduced in CF patients compared to healthy people. The amount of drinking is therefore often less in CF patients as in healthy people. Therefore, a sufficient amount of drinking is of special importance in case of CF. The recommendation of the daily amount has to be highter than for healthy people and should for sure be 2-3 litres a day. Especially in the summer months and in case of physical activity the loss of salt can be especially high via sweating and has to be corrected by nutrition and/or salt-containing drinks.
Best regards,
Dr. Christian Hügel