
baby gym
Hello, I have a 12-month-old girl with cystic fibrosis. Can I register her on babygym? I know that it is good for the development but I don’t know if I shall wait before meeting her many other infants (especially in winter)? Should she begin later? Thank you.
parachute jump
One of my patients who presents a respiratory failure (FEV1 between 22 and 31%), with hypoxemia and hypercapnia has received for his birthday a parachute jump. He was dreaming about it since a long time. He needs a medical certificate. I think it is not reasonable because of situation fragility to ...
Are swimming pools an unnecessary risk after all?
Dear ECORN experts, It seems to be a common view that swimming in well maintained indoor pools is safe for people with CF but I'm starting to wonder if this really is so? I have discontinued my son's swimming lessons because he regularly had both staphylococcal and fungal infections in his ...
I have a question concerning physiotherapy with a patient with cystic fibrosis. What actions are needed here? Can the patient do it at home? What effect has it on the patient, apart from clearing the airways? Thank you.
Swimming in pools
Since a year ago my child swims in an open pool all year long. Recently they started covering the pool with isothermic blankets (they spread them at night and roll them in at noon). Could this cause any trouble for my child? Need I pay any attention?
Right heart strain
Dear expert team, My daughter was diagnosed with right heart strain and I would like to ask whether this means her fitness is a bit limited now. Many thanks.
pond water
Can a child with CF play in a pond (fishing, sailing,..) or accidentally fall in the water without additional risks?
can my son swim in an open air swimming pool. He is 22 months old and last year he already had pseudomonas.
Pseudomonas colonization when swimming in a lake or pool
Dear expert team, I have CF and am currently pseudomonas negative. I love swimming in a lake in the woods or in the pool. In order to avoid false positive sputum or throat swab results, I would like to know how long after swimming in a lake or pool pseudomonas can be traced in the respiratory ...
Salt tablets
Hello, When my son (CF, 14 years old, 1.63m and 48.7 kg) pushes himself too hard during exercising in the summer, he becomes pale in the face and complains about nausea. We were recommended salt tablets. On the internet, athletes say that those tablets are not very easily digestible and that ...
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