
Renal insufficiency stadium II
Partly increased creatinin values in the blood (85/94/96/100), measurement of the glomerular filtration rate according to the MDRD formula (67ml/min/body surface on the 9th december 2013, on the 24th february 2014 - 62.7) at a control done by the general practitioner. These values fluctuate and ...
Narrowing with colistin inhalation
Dear expert team, as a female CF patient and an asthma patient with colonization of two strains of Pseudomonas (mucoid), I inhale every second month Cayston® (aztreonam), as I only hardly tolerate the other antibiotics for inhalation. In the interval-free month I got due to a cold ciprofloxacin ...
Tobi® and nebulizer
Hello, which nebulizer is suitable for TOBI® (tobramycin inhalation solution)? According to the leaflet, the LC-Plus nebulizer should be taken. Is this absolutely necessary or can one also take standard nebulizers respecitvely is the eFlow also suitable? Many thanks for your answer.
MRSA because of azithromycin
Dear expert team, I suffer from CF with chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization. My physician advised me to take azithromycin 250mg daily permanently. I feel a positive effect of this. However I fear, that it comes to a colonization of the lung with MRSA because of this. Is there any data ...
Side effects of the treatment against Pseudomonas
What are the usual side effects of the treatment against pseudomonas, or is there a chance that the levels of platelets will drop due to the treatment in an immunosuppressed patient?
Inflammation of the salivary glands?
Hello, My son (7 years old) suffers from CF and has an inflammation of the salivary gland for 4 weeks, he has been given antibiotics and it did not help. We have been to the ENT doctor and he said that this would rather be a typical finding in CF.????? An ultrasound has been done, however there ...
Achromobacter and Colifin®
I am 48 years old. In November 2013, Achromobacter has for the first time be found in my sputum and also Pseudomonas, the latter for the third time (always with large year-intervals inbetween). My lung function value FEV1 was always in the range of 55-57%. Unfortunately, from February 2013 on, I ...
infant cf treatment with colistin and food diversification
Dear doctors, My 4 months old daughter has been diagnosed with cf one month ago. I would kindly like to ask for your opinion for the following: -she cultured positive the second time with E-coli in a tracheal aspirate. We tried to eradicate with inhaled gentamicin (5 days) and oral biseptol ...
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Hello, My 3 old-year daughter is colonized with Pseudomonas aeruginosa for 1 year. She is treated by intravenous antibiotics (ceftazidime + tobramycine) every 3 months. May the Pseudomonas aeruginosa become resistant to this treatment ? If yes, how long is it to be resistant? In case of ...
mrsa and cystic fibrosis
Hi my daughter is 12 years old and has cf , in the last year she seems to be contracting and growing mrsa on her cough swabs. The first time this happened was about a year ago and she was treated with a two week course on the antibiotic-RIFAMPICIN and a body wash and nasel spray which she used for ...
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