
Relation Physician / Patient
Why so many patients need a website like this one to get answers to their concerns, their issues, their anxieties? I myself have asked you a question: you answered perfectly. I just regret that no more doctors are not very available to listen to patients. THANK YOU ALL
Individualized education plan (IEP) at school
Hello. My daughter starts school in September. I've asked the CF centre following my daughter if it was possible to make an IEP with them. They replied that there were no need to write one and a certificate for medicines and prescriptions would be sufficient. I'm a little stressed by this ...
Move to France from UK with a 2.5 yr old with CF
My son has CF, with two copies of deltaF508. He has excellent health care in the UK and remains well, despite culturing pseudomonas 3 times in his first 18 months. Now my husband has had a good job offer in the South of France and wants us all to go. What would our position be with regard to ...
Dear expert team, I am a 24-year old girl suffering from CF. I come from Bulgaria, where there is no European standard therapy and no CF-experts either. That means that I get information about new drugs from German and English articles. I have read several times about Kalydeco® (for G551D). I ...
Health and wellness
What are ways to make life easier for patients with cystic fibrosis?
Belgian CF Registry
Hello, where can we ask for the Belgian CF Registry? Thank you for your answer
Precautions and risk of contamination at the dentist
Hello, are there any health precautions to take when you visit the dentist? What are the recommendations to give to the practitioner? Thank you
Kalydeco (VX770/Ivacaftor)
Have just read the devastating news on the CF Trust Forum that NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence in the UK) are not going to recommend the National health service (NHS) provide Kalydeco in UK and want to know your thoughts and any suggestions on this to get it available? ...
Query about the coverage of the cost of drugs
The pharmacist, from whom i get the drugs for my child all these years, has informed me that I have to pay the drugs in advance, deposit the invoices and get my money back after several months. I cannot afford to pay this kind of money every month. What can I do if I need tadim® (colistimethate ...
drug for pseudomonas
Good evening. I have pseudomonas in my lungs since many years ago. I follow a treatment with tobi® and tadim® (colistimethate sodium powder) interchangeably. Is there a medication that is cheaper than tobi?
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