
Headache due to Ventolin® (salbutamol)?
Hello, our 7-year-old daughter suffers for about 3 months regularly about 3 hours after the inhalation in the mornings of 3-4 puffs Ventolin® (salbutamol aerosol) and 6% NaCl from partly very strong haedache. An EEG and further investigations have been without pathological findings. Could this ...
Cortisone and problems with the teeth
Dear expert team, I suffer from CF and take for 3 months cortisone, at the beginning 50mg a day, in the meantime only 10 mg. For about one month I have out of a sudden teeth, that are very sensitive to pain. The dentist could not really make sense of it and advised me, to use special toothpaste ...
Dosage of Kreon and side effects
My daughter is 5 years old and suffers from CF. She takes 2500 IU of Kreon per gram fat. We have the impression, that it has become insufficient. She has always a bloated belly, complains lately regularly about abdominal pain. She has fatty stools rarely, however sometimes up to 5 times a day. We ...
Renal insufficiency stadium II
Partly increased creatinin values in the blood (85/94/96/100), measurement of the glomerular filtration rate according to the MDRD formula (67ml/min/body surface on the 9th december 2013, on the 24th february 2014 - 62.7) at a control done by the general practitioner. These values fluctuate and ...
Narrowing with colistin inhalation
Dear expert team, as a female CF patient and an asthma patient with colonization of two strains of Pseudomonas (mucoid), I inhale every second month Cayston® (aztreonam), as I only hardly tolerate the other antibiotics for inhalation. In the interval-free month I got due to a cold ciprofloxacin ...
Side effects of the treatment against Pseudomonas
What are the usual side effects of the treatment against pseudomonas, or is there a chance that the levels of platelets will drop due to the treatment in an immunosuppressed patient?
Achromobacter and Colifin®
I am 48 years old. In November 2013, Achromobacter has for the first time be found in my sputum and also Pseudomonas, the latter for the third time (always with large year-intervals inbetween). My lung function value FEV1 was always in the range of 55-57%. Unfortunately, from February 2013 on, I ...
MDMA and E
Hi there, I wondered if you could please tell me about the effects of MDMA and E from a systems perspective on a person that has cystic fibrosis or if there were any links to literature/information handouts anywhere? I am a health professional that has recently been asked this by an ...
Cayston®, hemoptysis?
My son, 33, is told to inhale Cayston® (aztreonam) and has worries after reading the drug leaflet. He has had 3 times hemoptysis with years intervals inbetween, 2 times he had to be admitted to hospital due to this, whereby it was not necessary to intervene in the end. It is not written in the ...
Dear experts, you write in an answer to a question from january 2013 that Pulmozyme® (rh-DNAse) has to be broguht to room temperature before inhaling, therefore should not be inhaled directly when taken from the fridge. May I ask where this information comes from and why it is not written in the ...
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