
IMPACTT protocole
The physician who follows my 15 year old son proposed him to participate in the IMPACTT study ( which is to gargle and then swallow every night a formula enriched with egg yolk Y immunoglobulin. From what I understand, the hens are vaccinated against pyo and produce antibodies ...
MucoClear® 6% (hypertonic saline solution) harmful for children under 6? [follow-up question]
My 3,5-year-old daughter (CF) inhales MucoClear® 6% [NaCl 6%] and tolerates it well, she has no bronchial problems; we do inhale 2 puffs Salbutamol previously to avoid bronchial constriction. Can we continue this way without concerns? Or can this be harmful. It is dissolving very well. Thank ...
MucoClear® 6% [hypertonic saline] harmful for children under 6 years?
Hello, I have a question regarding MucoClear® 6% [NaCl 6%]. Since our health insurance does not pay the 3% NaCl our outpatient clinic prescribes MucoClear® 6% for our three-year-old daughter that we mix with 0,9% NaCl. Some days ago we made an inquiry at "ACHSE" (German alliance for chronic ...
Malaria prophylaxis
Dear expert team! In autumn 2012 I would like to travel to Namibia. While planning the trip I came across the hint several times that preventive health precautions have to be taken necessarily with regards to malaria prophylaxis, especially when travelling to the North (e.g. Etosha pan). I have ...
Hearing loss with Tobi® inhalation
Dear expert team, about a week ago, I (26 years old, CF) had acute hearing loss. During its treatment phase, several hearing tests were done. My hearing loss was reversible, but it was detected in this context that I suffer from hearing loss in the high-frequency range. I have been inhaling once ...
Cystic fibrosis and estrogen
My doctor suggested I take an oral contraceptive containing estrogen and progesterone to treat a rebel acne. Is it contraindicated to take estrogen and progesterone whith cystic fibrosis? Is there an increased risk of diabetes? Thank you
Muscle pain due to co-trimoxazole
Dear expert team, I (CF, 24) recently got my long-term antibiotic switched from azithromycin to co-trimoxazole (960mg three times a day). Since the fourth day after the switch, I suddenly have severe muscle pain when jogging. With each movement of the foot, the pain spreads from the back of ...
Do medicines for CF and the drug methylphenidate go together
Antibiotic odour
Hello, I have just finished an intravenous treatment with tazocillin one week ago and since the end of treatment my skin smells special ! ! Is it possible or is this a 'hallucination " ??? best regards ...
Biphosphonate therapy
Dear Sir or Madam, What does a biphosphonate therapy as a treatment for osteoporosis involve? How is this therapy performed and what are the side effects? I read that biphosponates are also used in persons with cerebral tumours… it seems to me that it is a very strong drug. Is such a therapy ...
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