
hello I have CF and am 28 years of age over the last two years my FEV1 has declined from 68 to 48 % predicted because I worked in an environment with heavy smoking, this is irritating my lungs and I did 6 hours physiotherapy per day, I receive one course of iv antibiotics per year and sometimes I ...
Pulmozyme® (DNAse) and anaesthetic gas
Dear expert team, are there any hints that Pulmozyme® (DNAse) could have a converse effect in case of an anaesthesia (with gas), that is that the anaesthesia does not function properly in that case? If yes, how long before one should stop DNAse? Many thanks for your answer
Side effect of azithromycin
My daughter, 6 years, CF, takes for about 2 years azithromycin permanent antibiotic treatment, every 2nd day 250mg. Can hair loss be a consequence? One has only to pull her hair slightly, then one has little bunches in the hand. Can I do something about it? Thanks!!
Worsening of the lung function due to tobramycin inhalation
Dear expert team, I have been diagnosed (23, CF) with Pseudomonas aeruginosa lately for the first time. We decided to eradicate with 3x750mg ciprofloxacin p.o. over 3 weeks and inhalation with 2x300mg tobramycin with a 28-days-change with 2x2 Mio. I.U. Colistin over 6 months altogether. My ...
Side effects after long-term therapy with azithromycin??
Hello, my 12-year-old son is chronically colonized with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PSA) for two years. Since 6/2010 two times capsule-forming germs have been found in the throat swab. Since then he takes additionally azithromycin 250mg every second day besides Colistin and DNAse. As this therapy ...
pancreatic enzymes
What effect, if enzymes are administered to a 2 years old child who then refuses to eat. Will he suffer from abdominal pain?
CF and growth hormone (GH)
Hi! My 11 years-old daughter visited the endocrinologist who proposed to treat her with GH because her expected adult height will be 1.45m. Supposing she will not be again treated with itraconazole, a period responsible for a 2 years of bad weight and height gain, my question is: the CF treatment ...
Hello, What side reactions has dexamethasone? It is possible to increase blood sugar?
Amiloride therapy
Hello, my 14-year-old son has Burkholderia Cepacia for about 2 years. After the iv-therapy in March 2010 as well as in June 2010 were not successful, one has the hope now to get rid of the germ with an amiloride inhalation quasi as an "intensifier" in parallel to the TOBI inhalation and the ...
Side effects of vancomycin
Dear expert team, at my last visit at the CF-center, MRSA has unfortunately been detected in my sputum. We decided to start an eradication trial with linezolid orally and in parallel vancomycin i.v. At the first dosage of vancomycin (Perfusor syringe pump was running with 50ml/h) the skin of my ...
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