
Dear experts! For a longer time I have mice from outside in my appartment! As I have read about all the diseases such mice can transmit (e.g. Hanta virus), I am seriously worried. I do not know anymore how I should handle it with the hygiene, as the creatures have been almost everywhere, kitchen, ...
Dry cough
Dear expert team, for 2 weeks I have an infection, which only consists of dry cough (healthy people without CF around me have the same infection with similar symptoms and duration). Every night I cough until after 12 o'clock. In the meantime also my larynx is affected, symptoms are pain and ...
Bronchitis and other
Hello, I am the mother of a little CF girl and want to know if she has to avoid contact with persons having bronchitis or cold or gastroenteritis or may they have a mask in their presence? Thank you
Avoid sick people
Hello, Our 7 months old son has Cystic Fibrosis and in times of epidemic influenza, colds and gastro-enteritis, we were advised to avoid our son contact with sick people. To what extent should we consider this advice? Should we refuse to invite people with colds? Should we invite them but they put ...
Preparation for school
All children when they go to school for the first time have to adapt and come in contact with many infections. Is it true that in their first year at school they come across a virus every 15 days? Do the children with CF produce antibodies, or is it always for them like the first year? Is it an ...
systematic sputum / cough swab culture
Hello, The CF centre of my daughter does not practice cough swab systematically at each visit. We are afraid of missing out a bacterium that could worsen the health of our daughter. We are in February and the last culture was done in September. Can I ask them to do it consistently? Can a local ...
Staphylococcus aureus
Hello, my 6 month old daughter has cystic fibrosis and has already Staphylococcus aureus (10 000/ml) in her sputum. Is it serious? Isn't it too early? No treatment has been done at the moment but I'm worried ... Thank you for your response.
Antibiotics only because of common cold?
Dear expert team, Our daughter (19 months; diagnosed since about 7 months) never had an infection and according to the physiotherapist and the CF center her lungs are absolutely free. Thanks to Kreon® (Pancreatin) her weight is okay as well. Since two days she has a common cold and I am not ...
CF and H1N1 infection
Hello I have CF since I was born and I am nearly 27 years old. I was infected by the H1N1 virus at the end of 2009 and since then I experience more difficulties to expectorate. Do you think that there is a relationship between the decline of my lung situation and the H1N1 infection ? Thank you
Risk of transmission (germs) from severly ill grandmother
Dear expert team, currently I am very confused asking myself how I can manage the contact between my child (CF, 4 years, Pseudomonas negative, from time to time colonized with Staph. aureus and Haemophilus influenza) and the grandmother. My mother has end-stage carcinosis. Until a short time ...
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