Prof. Dr. Ioan Popa

Professor, Medical Doctor: Pediatrics, Clinical Genetics, Pediatric Cardiology,Metabolic And Nutritional Diseases    

Curriculum Vitae

Personal details

  • Date and place of birth: 17.11.1938, Hunedoara, Romanian
  • Married: 2 children
  • Graduate of Timisoara University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of General Medicine, Pediatric Department (1963)

Professional qualifications

  • Consultant in pediatrics, cardiology, medical genetics, diabetes and metabolic medicine

Current position

  • Head of Pediatric II Clinic, Timisoara University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • National Coordinator of the governmental CF programme

Memberships and Awards

  • Phylosophy doctor in medicine with the thesis, "Obesity in children- clinical, biological, hystochemical and ultrastructural study”;
  • Membre of national scientific societies: Pediatric Romanian Society, Romanian Academy of Scientists, Romanian Association of Mucoviscidosis, (founding member and president), Romanian Society of Medical Genetics (founding member), Romanian Society of Cardiology (founding member)
  • Member of international scientific societies: full member of Balcanic Medical Union, European Association for Study of Obesity; European Cystic Fibrosis Society (founding member), European Society of Human Genetics, active member of New – York Academy of Sciences;
  • WHO expert in „Joint WHO/ICF(M)A Meeting on The Implementation of CF Services in Developing Countries”, Manama, Bahrain, 18-19 XI 1995;
  • Nominalisations: included in the XII-th Edition of Who¢ s Who of Intelectuals and the XXV-th Edition of “ Dictionary of International Biography” (1997); International Man of the Year for 1997/1998; International Man of the Year for 1999/2000; International Man of the Millenium (1999); Selected by IBC for „ Dictionary of International Biography 25th Aniversary Edition”;(1999); Nominalisation for American Biographical Institute (1999); Nominalisation for International Biographical Centre Cambridge (2000); Selected by Marquis Who¢s Who to be included in “ The new 18th  Edition of Who¢s Who in The World”
  • 2003: The price „Daniel Danielopolu” of Romanian Academy for the monograph „Child obesity and the adipous tissue” (no 8/3, Bucharest, 19 XII 2003)

Scientific papers

  • papers on the following topics: mucoviscidosis, nutrional and metabolic diseases in childhood (obesity, diabetes mellitus, malnutrition), pediatric cardiology, medical genetics.

Director of national grants

  1. Identification of genetic structure in children with mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis) in Romania and assessment of treatment with recombinated human Dezoxiribonucleasis (code 15.8 / 1997-1998)
  2. Complex epidemiologic and genetic study in in children with mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis) in România (code 126 / 1997)
  3. Progresive screening study for an early diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis (code 44 / 1999; 1087 / 2000; 4.18/2001)
  4. Elaborate study on genetic, metabolic and nutrional diseases with populational impact in children (cod 384 / 2002)
  5. Pilot study for the identification and analysis of mutations and genetic structure in children with mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis) in Romania (cod 1188 / 2004-2006)

Director of the research centre

  • Research Centre connected to Pediatric II Department, Timi?oara University of Medicine and Pharmacy - „Centre of Genetic, Metabolic and Nutritional Diseases in Children” (accredited by the Ministry of Education and Research – National Council of Postgraduate Research -CNCSIS)– Certification no. 96 / CC-C, Bucure?ti, 11 V 2001).

Organizer of scientific events

  • 1996: Organizing the international course “Psysiotherapy in Cystic Fibrosis” for Eastern European countries under the high patronage of ICF(M)A, now called CFW (Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide) Timi?oara, 23 – 28. of November.
  • 2003: Organizing the First National Congress of Mucoviscidosis (Cystic Fibrosis) with International Participation under the patronage of ICF(M)A, Timi?oara 7-9 May; with speakers from England, Bulgaria, Holland and Sweden.

Books and Monographs (related to the project topic)

  • Mucoviscidosis in children: Alexandru E., Popa I., Bugarin O.- Medical Press,  Bucharest,1976
  • Aspects of mucoviscidosis in adults,  Popa I., Pop L, chapter in Updates in Internal Medicine (coordinated by Gluhovschi Gh), Helicon Press, Timi?oara,  1993, pp. 486-509
  • Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis): Popa I., Pop L., Zagorca Popa, Romanian Medical Life Press, Bucharest, 1998.
  • Mucoviscidosis (Cystic Fibrosis), Ioan Popa, Liviu Pop, chapter in Romanian Textbook of Pediatrics – (coordinated by Ciofu E, Ciofu C), Medical Press, 2001, pp. 1388 – 1404.
  • Physiotherapy in mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis): Zagorca Popa, Liviu Pop (coordinated by Popa I), Mirton Press, Timi?oara, 2003.

Member of editorial board

  • Timisoara Medical Journal
  • Romanian Pediatric Review


  • Device and methode for performance of sweat test. Innovation certificate no.447/14 X 1986” (authors: Prof. Dr. Ioan Popa, technician Olah Beniamin)

Timi?oara, July 2007
